So Long, Fare Well....

Does January feel like it lasts 465 days to anyone else? I’m not sure why that is. Maybe it is because the magic of the Christmas season is gone, or the weather is usually pretty bleak, but this month drags on forever. Usually, there is a few days that us Texans refer to as “WINTER” which in reality is just a couple of ice days and some cancelled school, if we are lucky.

And this year, we haven’t even received that.

So, I present a favorite icy photo of mine from last year, since it doesn’t look like January will be producing any icy this year. This print will be available in the Print Shop soon!

Macro image of a snowflake on glass

Ice Flakes ©2023 by Tabitha Gray - Eighty One Gray Prints/Eighty One Gray Photography

So, dear January, on this last day of this forever ending month, I bid you adieu on this sunny, dare I say balmy, 70° day. Here’s hoping to some wintery weather in February!